Pythonizations for the ultra-fast simulation option for the LHCb experiment

PyLamarr is a pure-python package describing the LHCb Simulation pipeline combining C++ algorithms defined in SQLamarr and contains mostly configurations.

In the future, the same configurations might be exported (or read directly) from Gaudi and Gaussino to deploy the SQLamarr building blocks in a dedicated Gaudi algorithm.

Remote resources

The Gaudi application relies on cvmfs to distribute the parametrizations. PyLamarr is intended to be less dependent on CERN-related system configurations to be easily deployed in virtual environments or public services (such as Google Colab). Remote configurations are accessed by PyLamarr via http or https protocols, caching the remote file locally to avoid unnecessary traffic.

Please refer to the documentation of PyLamarr.RemoteResource.RemoteResource for implementation details.


PyLamarr is released under MIT License. Note, however, that SQLamarr, PyLamarr depends on, is released under GPL-3 licence with copyright owned by CERN.