The stand-alone ultra-fast simulation option for the LHCb experiment
SQLamarr extensions to SQLite

The SQLite3 library provides an extremely complete SQL dialect to interact with tabular and relational data.

It also provides capabilities to extend the SQL language adding custom functions.

In SQLamarr, several custom functions were defined, covering needs in two main areas:

  • Psudo-Random Number Generation;
  • Geometrical and Minkovsky metrics.

SQLamarr aims at providing tools to perform Monte~Carlo simulations of HEP experiments. As for most Monte~Carlo applications, the generation of random numbers is a critical aspect. Since SQLamarr might operate in multithreaded mode, random number generation must be handled carefully to preserve repeatability despite the intrinsic randomicity of threading. To this purpose, the random() function is not sufficient to the purpose of SQLamarr and was sided with random_uniform() and random_category() providing an SQL interface to a set of Psudo-Random Number Generators (PRNGs) handled at application level with a Singleton design pattern (see SQLamarr::GlobalPRNG).

Geometrical and Minkowski metrics are defined to improve readability of the SQL query, but in principle they could be expressed in query language as well.

Geometrical functions


norm2 (x, y, z)

Return the norm of a vector with coordinate \((x, y, z)\): $$\sqrt{x^2 + y^2 + z^2}.$$


pseudorapidity (x, y, z)

Return the pseudorapidity \(\eta\) of a vector with coordinate \((x, y, z)\). $$ \eta = -\log\left[\tan\left(\frac{\theta}{2}\right)\right] \qquad \mbox{where}\qquad \theta = \arctan\left(\frac{\sqrt{x^2 + y^2}}{z^2}\right) $$

Spherical coordinates

polar (x, y, z)

Return the aziuthal angle \(\theta\) of a vector with coordinate \((x, y, z)\). $$ \theta = \arctan\left(\frac{\sqrt{x^2 + y^2}}{z}\right) $$

azimuthal (x, y, z)

Return the polar angle \(\varphi\) of a vector with coordinate \((x, y, z)\). $$ \varphi = \arctan\left(\frac{y}{x}\right) $$

Closest to beam z

z_closest_to_beam(x, y, z, tx, ty)

Given a linear trajectory passing through \((x, y, z)\) and with slopes $$ \frac{\mathrm dx}{\mathrm dz} = \mathtt{tx} \qquad \mbox{and} \qquad \frac{\mathrm dy}{\mathrm dz} = \mathtt{ty}, $$ returns the \(z'\) coordinate of the point where the particle is the closest to the z axis ( \(x = y = 0\)).

In practice, it evaluates $$ z' = \frac{t_x^2 z - t_x x + t_y^2 z - t_y y}{t_x^2 + t_y^2} $$

Slopes to Cartesian coordinates

slopes_to_cartesian(coord, norm, tx, ty)

Given the norm and the slopes tx and ty of a vector (usually a momentum) computes the cartesian coordinates \(p_x\), \(p_y\) and \(p_z\) and returns the coord-th.

As a reminder, $$ t_x = \frac{p_x}{p_z} \quad;\quad t_y = \frac{p_y}{p_z} \quad;\quad \mathrm{norm} = \sqrt{p_x^2 + p_y^2 + p_z^2} $$

Random functions

Uniform distribution

random_uniform ()

Generate a random number uniformly distributed between 0 and 1.

The pseudo-random sequence is stored as a function of the database instance which should never be shared among multiple threads.

Standard normal distribution

random_normal ()

Generate a random number normally distributed as \(\mathcal G(0,1)\).

The pseudo-random sequence is stored as a function of the database instance which should never be shared among multiple threads.

Multinomial distribution (category)

random_category (p1 [, p2[, ... [, p10]]])

Generate an integer random number according to the probabilities passed as arguments. For example,

random_category(0.2, 0.1)

will generate 0 with a probability of 20%, 1 with a 10% probability and 3 with 70% probability.


Particle Charge (for propagation)

propagation_charge (pdg_id)

Define the charge based on the PDG ID code passed as an argument. In particular:

  • 0: for photons and neutrons;
  • for pions, kaons and protons;
  • NULL for all other particles that Lamarr won't propagate through the detector;