Lamarr: implementing a flash-simulation paradigm at LHCb

in 22nd International Workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in Physics Research (ACAT 2024)

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L. Anderlini1, M. Barbetti2, S. Capelli3,4, G. Corti5, A. Davis6, D. Derkach7, M. Martinelli3,4, M. Mazurek8
1INFN-Firenze, 2INFN-CNAF, 3INFN-MiB, 4University of Milano-Bicocca, 5CERN, 6University of Manchester, 7HSE University, 8NCBJ
ACAT 2024,

1. Motivation

Detailed simulation of the interaction between the traversing particles and the LHCb active volumes is the major consumer of CPU resources. During the LHC Run2, the LHCb experiment has spent more than 90% of the pledged CPU time to simulate events of interest. Matching the upcoming and future demand for simulated samples means that the development of faster simulation options is critical.

2. Fast simulation VS. flash simulation

full sim schemes
Detailed simulation relies on Geant4 to reproduce the radiation-matter interactions that are computed within Gauss*, the LHCb simulation software.

fast sim schemes
Fast simulation techniques aim to speed up the Geant4-based simulation production by parameterizing the energy deposits instead of relying on physics models.

flash sim schemes
Flash (or Ultra-Fast) simulation strategies aim to directly transform generator-level particles into analysis-level reconstructed objects.

3. What is Lamarr?

Lamarr is the novel flash-simulation framework of LHCb, able to offer the fastest option to produce simulated samples. Lamarr consists of a pipeline of (ML-based) modular parameterizations designed to replace both the simulation and reconstruction steps.

Lamarr modular layout

The Lamarr pipeline can be split in two chains:

  1. a branch treating charged particles relying on tracking and particle identification models;
  2. a branch facing the particle-to-particle correlation problem innate in the neutral objects reconstruction.

4. Models under the \(k\)-to-\(k\) hypothesis

Assuming the existence of an unambiguous (\(k\)-to-\(k\)) relation between generated particles and reconstructed objects, the high-level detector response can be modeled in terms of efficiency and "resolution" (i.e., analysis-level quantities):

5. Charged particles pipeline: the tracking system

Lamarr parameterizes the high-level response of the LHCb tracking system relying on the following models:

Lamarr trk efficiency Lamarr trk resolution
Validation plots for the DNN-based model of the tracking efficiency (left) and the GAN-based model of the spatial tracking resolution (right).

6. Charged particles pipeline: the PID system

Lamarr parameterizes the high-level response of the LHCb PID system relying on the following models:

Lamarr provides separated models for muons, pions, kaons, and protons for each PID set of variables.

Lamarr PID histograms Lamarr PID efficiency
Validation plots for the proton-kaon separation parameterized with the GAN-based models of the Global PID response in terms of distributions (left) and proton selection efficiency (right).

7. Neutral particles pipeline: the ECAL detector

The flash simulation of the LHCb ECAL detector is not trivial task:

To parameterize a generic \(n\)-to-\(m\) response of the ECAL detector, solutions inspired by the natural language translation problem are currently under investigation:

Lamarr ECAL full Lamarr ECAL flash
Validation plots for the \((x, y)\)-position of the ECAL clusters as reconstructed by detailed simulation (left) and a Transformer-based model (right). Each bin entry is properly weighted to include also the energy signature.

8. Validation campaign

Lamarr provides the high-level response of the LHCb detector by relying on a pipeline of (subsequent) ML-based modules. To validate the charged particles chain, the distributions of a set of analysis-level reconstructed quantities resulting from Lamarr have been compared with that obtained from detailed simulation for \(\Lambda_b^0 \to \Lambda_c^+ \mu^- X\) decays with \(\Lambda_c^+ \to p K^- \pi^+\).

The deployment of the ML-based models follows a transcompilation approach based on scikinC. The models are translated to C files, compiled as shared objects, and then dynamically linked in the LHCb simulation software (Gauss).

The integration of Lamarr with Gauss enables:

Py8 Lambda_c mass PGun Lambda_c mass
Validation plots for the \(\Lambda_c^+\) mass obtained from Pythia8 (left) and particle-gun (right) generators by Lamarr VS. detailed simulation. Reproduced from LHCB-FIGURE-2022-014.

9. Preliminary timing studies

Overall time needed for producing simulated samples has been analyzed for detailed simulation (Geant4-based) and Lamarr. When Lamarr is employed, the generation of particles from collisions (e.g., with Pythia8) becomes the new major CPU consumer.

Lamarr allows to reduce the CPU cost for the simulation phase of (at least) two-order-of-magnitude. Further timing will require speeding up the generators.

Detailed simulation: Pythia8 + Geant4
1M events @ 2.5 kHS06.s/event ≃ 80 HS06.y

Ultra-fast simulation: Pythia8 + Lamarr
1M events @ 0.5 kHS06.s/event ≃ 15 HS06.y

Ultra-fast simulation: Particle Gun + Lamarr
100M events @ 1 HS06.s/event ≃ 4 HS06.y

10. Conclusions and outlook

Great effort is ongoing to put a fully parametric simulation of the LHCb experiment into production, aiming to reduce the pressure on computing resources.

DNN-based and GAN-based models succeed in describing the high-level response of the LHCb tracking and PID detectors for charged particles. Work is still required to parameterize the response of the ECAL detector due to the particle-to-particle correlation problem.

Future development Lamarr aims to support both integration within the LHCb software stack and its use as a stand-alone package.


The work presented in this contribution is performed in the framework of Spoke 0 and Spoke 2 of the ICSC project - Centro Nazionale di Ricerca in High Performance Computing, Big Data and Quantum Computing, funded by the NextGenerationEU European initiative through the Italian Ministry of University and Research, PNRR Mission 4, Component 2: Investment 1.4, Project code CN00000013 - CUP I53C21000340006.


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  7. F. Vaselli et al., FlashSim prototype: an end-to-end fast simulation using Normalizing Flow, CERN-CMS-NOTE-2023-003
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