The stand-alone ultra-fast simulation option for the LHCb experiment
1 # (c) Copyright 2022 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration.
2 #
3 # This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
4 # Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "LICENCE".
5 #
6 # In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
7 # granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
8 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
10 import ctypes
11 from ctypes import POINTER
12 from SQLamarr import clib, c_TransformerPtr
14 from SQLamarr.db_functions import SQLite3DB
16 clib.new_MCParticleSelector.argtypes = (ctypes.c_void_p,)
17 clib.new_MCParticleSelector.restype = c_TransformerPtr
20  """
21  Converts GenParticles into MCParticles preserving the graph structure.
23  The event described with GenParticles and GenVertices is described with much
24  more detail than what is needed to match reconstructed particles to their
25  MC-true couterparts. `MCParticleSelector` is a Transformer copying the
26  GenParticles table into an MCParticle table, "skipping" particles irrelevant
27  for MC matching while preserving the tree structure of the decay
28  representation.
30  Note that the `GenParticles` graph is a DAG, but not a tree, with vertices
31  (graph nodes) defining multiple inputs (describing interactions) while the
32  `MCParticle` graph is a tree, with each vertex (node) accepting a single input
33  particle (decay vertex).
34  """
35  def __init__ (self, db: SQLite3DB):
36  """Acquires the reference to an open connection to the DB"""
37  self._self_self = clib.new_MCParticleSelector(db.get())
39  def __del__(self):
40  """@private: Release the bound class instance"""
41  clib.del_Transformer(self._self_self)
43  @property
44  def raw_pointer(self):
45  """@private: Return the raw pointer to the algorithm."""
46  return self._self_self
Converts GenParticles into MCParticles preserving the graph structure.
def __init__(self, SQLite3DB db)
Acquires the reference to an open connection to the DB.